Diet Favorite with 2 menu options with detailed recipes

If you have set yourself the goal of losing 4-6 kilograms, but you are limited in time, you only have one week, your favorite diet is what you need. The essence of the "preferred" diet presupposes a specific set of foods and a pattern of food consumption.

Preferred weekly diet plan

There are 2 modes: "hard" and "soft", to find out which one is right for you, you have to rely on willpower and health.

The basic principles and features of the diet:

  • If you have a tendency to constipation, before starting the diet, you need to make sure your bowels are in order.
  • With the help of a diet, the volume of the stomach is reduced, so in the future you can more easily switch to the correct diet.
  • You can repeat your "favorite" diet in a year.
  • It is forbidden to change both the diet days and the menu.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of dishes and the size of the portions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The 7-day favorite diet of regular, low-calorie foods has a number of drawbacks, regardless of its merits.

Discover the main features of this diet:

Dignity disadvantages
A comprehensive effective method of losing weight - weight is reduced to 5-7 kilograms It's easy to break if you combine diet with exercise
A simple menu that doesn't get boring: the range of products changes every day This menu is not available for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system
A way out of the diet is provided, which will not allow you to immediately get rid of It causes severe stress on the body when used for more than 1. 5-2 weeks
Get rid of edema, weaning from the consumption of large amounts of salt, sugar It is difficult to maintain the achieved result for a long time

5 rules of the "favorite diet"

Below is a detailed description of the basic rules of the diet. It is important to observe them to withstand this difficult marathon and achieve a guaranteed effect in a certain way.

  • Thorough cleaning.On the eve of the 1st day of the "favorite diet" it is necessary to cleanse the intestinal tract with an enema or special laxatives. This is done to eliminate toxins which, in accordance with the following dietary restrictions, can stagnate in the body and worsen well-being.
  • Don't be an amateur. . . All permitted foods must be consumed strictly in the sequence prescribed by the program. It is impossible to interchange diets with daily ones.
  • Vitamin support.With the help of these methods of losing weight, the body especially needs support. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral enrichment complexes. In this case, it is better to start a few weeks before the diet, do not give up on time and take the pills until the end of the course.
  • Consume vitamins to support the body
  • Internal stop.The diet does not impose critical calories or serving volume limits. But you can't afford to overeat. Better to leave the contents of the plate when you are still a little hungry. Listen to your feelings - the body will give a sign of your norm. In particular, the arrest rule applies to alcoholic diets. There are many "favorite diets" where only wine and cheese are allowed for one day. This doesn't mean you have to start celebrating the "plumb line" in the morning. This underlines the orientation of the discharge of the days and the fact that losing weight in the evening can be a bit relaxing.
  • Save energy.Physical activity is usually important when losing weight. If we strengthen the natural internal fat burning processes with external support, the effect will be more pleasant and immediate. Poor nutrition significantly reduces the body's energy capacity. And training in the gym on such a diet is simply impossible. But daily airplane rides will come in handy. The advantage is that this diet is inexpensive. It is not necessary to spend a lot on shopping. There is another way to save money: it requires minimal cooking time. After all, there are no complicated recipes for food - all raw or store-made.

"Favorite" diet: menu of the week

Diet day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 day 250 ml of unsweetened tea, 150 ml of kefir 200 ml of unsalted chicken broth 150 ml of yogurt 200 ml of milk
2nd day 2 cherry tomatoes Salad with cucumbers, fresh cabbage and herbs 2 new cucumbers seasoned with vegetable oil Cucumber and pepper salad with herbs
3rd day 200 ml of tea and 0, 2 l of milkshake 200 ml of chicken broth 200 ml of kefir 0, 2 l of milk
4th day 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit Apple, orange and kiwi, fruit salad Apple and pear 200 ml of milk
5th day 2 eggs for breakfast, 200 g of boiled fish 100 g of boiled chicken, 100 g of boiled peas and fish 100 g of cottage cheese 100 grams of cheese
6 days 200 ml of unsweetened tea, 200 ml of kefir 200 ml of chicken broth Milkshake of 0, 2 l 200 ml of milk
7th day The breakfast consists of 200 ml of grapefruit juice, 2 hard-boiled eggs, a cup of green tea. For a second breakfast, you should eat an apple or grapefruit. Portion of buckwheat soup. Any fruit. At least some fruit, 200 g of salad dressed with vegetable oil.

This menu is indicative and subject to changes based on the availability of some products.

A difficult variation of your favorite 7 day diet

  • 2 days of drinking.Drink kefir and water for two days - in large quantities.
  • Apple day.Traditional menu. If you don't like apples very much, swap them for oranges. Also drink water to neutralize the acid.
  • Three days of chicken.Boiled chicken without skin and lots of water.
  • The seventh day is called wine.Dry wine and cheese all day. For a glass of wine, 30 g of cheese.

Along with the permitted foods, nutritionists recommend the use of vitamins and minerals (in pills, tablets, capsules).

Vitamins and minerals

Menu for 14 days

A certain category of people don't even have 12 days on a minimalist diet. Losing weight evenly gets used to small portions, so they see nothing wrong with continuing the diet. The 14-day menu reminds you of the 7-day diet - it's a 2-week diet. We will try to work out a diet for each day in detail.

  • Drink days 1 and 8 -a mandatory criterion is to drink two liters of water. You can drink unsweetened tea and coffee, kefir, milk, yogurt (unsweetened), fruit drinks, freshly squeezed fruit juices, low-fat broths without salt and spices.
  • Plant days 2 and 9 days.You can not eat only potatoes from vegetables. Everything else can be eaten raw, stewed (in water), boiled, blanched and cooked. Salt cannot be used. If you are preparing a salad dress it with lemon juice, soy sauce, olive oil (a few drops).
  • Menu of the 3rd and 10th day, like the 1st day.
  • Fruit 4th and 11th day.Grapefruit and pineapple are best, although apples, oranges, kiwis and pears are fine. It is forbidden to eat bananas and grapes, they are very rich in calories.
  • Protein 5 and 12 days.
  • Lean meat, hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, poultry, fish. You cannot salt, fry, add mayonnaise or ketchup.
  • Drink menu on days 6 and 13, as well as on day 1.
  • Mixed 7 and 14 days.Two eggs for breakfast, fruit for lunch, soup for lunch, salad as a snack, chicken breast or steamed fish without salt and spices for dinner. You can add salads or pieces of vegetables to your last meal.


The recipes for the love diet are very simple. Including the imagination, you can create your own menu that is not only slimming, but also delicious.

fruit salad


  • Banana 1 pc;
  • Grapefruit 1 pc;
  • Orange 1 piece:
  • Kiwi 1 pc;
  • Apple 1 pc.
Fruit salad in your favorite diet menu

Peel the fruit and cut into cubes, mix. A delicious and desired dessert is ready. Fruit salad is perfect for lunch or dinner for the 4th day of your favorite diet.

Chicken broth


  • Chicken (mainly breast) 0. 5 kg;
  • Onion 1 pc;
  • Carrots 1 pc.
Chicken broth in the diet of the Dyubimaya diet

Wash the chicken thoroughly, put it in a saucepan, pour water so that it covers the bird 3-4 cm higher. Peel the carrots and onions, combine them in the saucepan, turn on the heat, bring to a boil, then reduce the gas and cook until tender. Cooking time depends on the age of the bird.

Homemade chicken, especially old chicken, takes at least 2 hours to cook. We take out onions and carrots from the broth, which gives it a spicy taste. The dish is ready to eat. It is advisable to constantly insert the broth in the menu, observing one's "favorite" diet, especially on drinking days, to avoid the exhausting feeling of hunger, and the broth will also help to avoid tiredness, impotence, dizziness, headache.

Salmon fillet in a slow cooker


  • Salmon (steak or fillet) 500 gr;
  • Butter 50 gr;
  • Lemon 1 pc;
  • Dill 30 gr;
  • 1 glass of purified water;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Sheet.
Salmon fillet for a protein day Favorite diet

Cut the lemon into 2 halves. Wash the salmon well, dry it, season with salt and pepper. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon half to marinate the fish. Combine the butter with the finely chopped dill. We fold a sheet of foil in 2 layers, put the fish in the center, grease it with creamy sauce on top, wrap the sheet in a square.

Pour a glass of water into a multicooker, send the salmon there. We activate the "Cooking" mode, lasting 30 minutes. We periodically check that the water does not evaporate completely, if necessary, add it again. Following your favorite diet, this recipe is ideal on a protein day, the salmon fillet is perfect for lunch or dinner.

Turkey roll in a slow cooker


  • Turkey fillet 500 gr;
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf;
  • 1 glass of purified water;
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp.
Turkey roll

Rinse the turkey well, cut it into slices 2-3 cm wide, beat the pieces of meat, season with salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil. Then we send it to the refrigerator for 12-20 hours in a container covered with a lid.

After the bird is in the brine, we shape the meat into a roll by tying it with a thread or toothpick. Pour a glass of water into the pot of the multicooker and send the fillets there, cook for 50-60 minutes. Chill the hot sandwich in the refrigerator. Serve the slices. A couple of turkey sandwiches will complete the final 7-day menu of your favorite diet for lunch or dinner.

Exit from the diet

The last day you stick to the menu restrictions doesn't mean you can start eating whatever you can get your hands on. Remember that it takes time to consolidate the results and if you immediately start to recover uncontrollably, the weight you managed to lose will be back in 2-3 weeks.

You should cut your diet by incorporating new foods evenly into your daily diet. Going back to fatty and sugary foods is the last thing you need to do. Increase the total calorie content of food every day by 150-200 kcal to the norm, continue to consume 2-2, 5 liters of water per day.

The point of view of professionals

Doctors have special opinions on diets. Let's consider a number of main reasons and reasons:

  1. An unbalanced diet slows down the metabolism, exacerbates all acquired diseases and is the reason for the appearance of new diseases.
  2. Digestion, hormones, skin and muscle tone, condition of teeth, bones and joints, blood circulation, sebaceous glands are impaired.
  3. The general appearance is deteriorating. In their favorite diet, they have very few calories every day.
  4. What threatens: with a lack of energy, which has been sharpened, the body not only breaks down fat, but also muscles.
  5. The excess weight lost in this way always comes back (! ) And increases.

For example, they lost 10 kg and gained 15. In this case, the fat is already stored, not the muscle. And the body will feel free and you will feel even weaker. Dietary restrictions are stressful to the body.

In the version of your favorite diet, this stress lasts for a week. Therefore, people feel depressed, exhausted. Brain activity decreases. In this regard, he speaks of forgetfulness, distraction, dizziness, disgusting sleep. Blood sugar drops sharply. Appetite rises, mood worsens. All of this increases the risk of "collapse" when people can't stand it and throw themselves into junk food. As a result, they still gain enormous weight when compared before and after.

Bad mood during the diet

Therefore, such a diet is always harshly criticized. No competent nutritionist will recommend a diet that guarantees the elimination of large quantities in a short amount of time. As a result, you get not harmony, but a whole complex of diseases.